Software Developer
ResumeReactJS NodeJS Express MongoDB
A ride share application for college students without cars to find rides
React VinallaJs
A Web application that visualize different pathfinding algorithm like Dijkstra,DFS,BFS, and A star
Web2py SQL Database
A trading platform that allows users to help fulfill one another's need
ReactJS NodeJS Express MongoDB GCP Lightbox
A image gallery that allows you to upload and like images. Image dynamically stored onto Google Cloud Storage
Software Developer and Recent Graduate
I am a Recent Graduate from UC Santa Cruz with a B.S in Computer Science. I started programming in high school and have fell in love with programing ever since. I enjoy how programming allows me to use my problem solving skills in creativity way.
As a new grad, I understand that there are still a lot of things that I need to learn and grow in. I'm always looking for ways to expand my skill set through working on personal projects, whether with friends or by myself, and am ready to tackle any challenges that can help me grow.
I believe that programming is more than just coding. To me, programming is a way to solve complex problem presented in this world. My goal is to use programming to make a difference in this world.
If you want to know more about me, here are some things I like to do outside of coding
When I moved out of the college dorms and into the apartment, I had to cook for myself. While many find cooking as a hassle, I actually find it quite fun and enjoyable. I would often cook for my friends during casual get together and hangout. Some of the things I like to make are tri-tip tacos, salsa & guacamole, reversed seared steak, spam musubi and sushi.
One of my favorite things I like to do with my friends in college is playing board games together. I think that board games are a great way simultaneous make and break the friendship between your friends. Board Games allows you to mess with your friends and sabotage their plans, but at the end you would all be laughing together. Some of my favorite board games are Avalon, Munchkins, Exploding Kittens and Settlers of Catan.
In my spare time, I like to play the guitar and the drums. I started playing the drums in high school and picked up guitar during college. While I’m still learning the guitar, I have played the drums and the cajon in a band. I really enjoy having jams sessions with my friends where we can just enjoy making music together.